How to Write a Literary Analysis of Ratking’s Lyrics

When we dive into the complex world of music and poetry, the lyrics of Ratking, an American hip-hop group known for its distinct sound and deep narrative storytelling, present a fertile ground for literary exploration. This blog post aims to dissect the group’s lyrics through a literary lens, elucidating the process and benefits of such an analysis. We will touch upon key aspects including how to define literary analysis, explore various literary analysis types, draft a literary analysis outline, and delve into how to write a literary analysis. 

Defining Literary Analysis

Literary analysis is the practice of examining and evaluating the various elements within a literary work to understand its deeper meanings and connections. This involves looking beyond the surface to interpret symbols, themes, and motifs, and how they contribute to the overall message of the piece. When applied to Ratking’s lyrics, this analysis enables us to unravel the complex layers of meaning within their music, offering insights into not just the text itself but the broader socio-cultural contexts it reflects and critiques. Moreover, delving into Ratking’s lyrics can serve as a valuable educational resource, making it an excellent subject for a project while applying for a scholarship for seniors, where senior students can apply their analytical skills and cultural awareness to explore the intricacies of contemporary music and its impact on society.

Literary Analysis Types

In exploring Ratking’s lyrics, several literary analysis types come to the forefront. These include thematic analysis, which looks at the central themes and messages within the songs; structural analysis, examining how the lyrics are organized and their narrative flow; and cultural analysis, understanding the lyrics’ reflections on societal norms, values, and issues. Each of these analysis types provides a unique lens through which to view and interpret Ratking’s work, allowing for a multifaceted understanding of their artistry.

Crafting a Literary Analysis Outline

To systematically approach a literary analysis of Ratking’s lyrics, one must start with a structured outline. An effective literary analysis outline typically includes an introduction that presents the piece to be analyzed and your thesis statement; a body where you dissect the lyrics, organized thematically, structurally, or by another chosen framework; and a conclusion that ties together your findings and reflects on their wider significance. This outline serves as a roadmap, guiding the analysis and ensuring that it covers all necessary aspects comprehensively.

How to Write a Literary Analysis

Writing a literary analysis involves several key steps. Firstly, immerse yourself in the lyrics, reading them multiple times to grasp their literal and deeper meanings. Next, choose your analysis type and draft your thesis statement, focusing on what you believe is the most significant aspect of the lyrics. As you write, support your arguments with evidence from the text, analyzing how specific lines, language use and literary devices contribute to the overarching themes and messages. Finally, revise your analysis to ensure clarity and coherence, and to strengthen your arguments and evidence.

Literary Analysis and Academic Success

Mastering the art of literary analysis, as demonstrated through dissecting Ratking’s lyrics, is not just an academic exercise; it hones critical thinking, analytical, and interpretative skills that are invaluable across educational and professional fields. For high school seniors, proficiency in these areas can be particularly beneficial in securing scholarships for seniors. Scholarship committees often look for applicants who can demonstrate not only academic excellence but also the ability to think deeply and critically about various subjects. An insightful literary analysis can showcase these skills, distinguishing you as a candidate with both intellectual depth and analytical acumen.

Ratking’s Lyrics: A Case Study

Ratking’s lyrics often delve into the gritty reality of urban life, weaving narratives that reflect the complexities of society, identity, and existence in the modern world. By applying the aforementioned analytical steps, one can uncover the depth of Ratking’s lyrical content. For instance, their frequent use of imagery and metaphor transforms the urban landscape into a character of its own, while their exploration of themes such as alienation, struggle, and resilience speaks to the universal human condition.

Moreover, Ratking’s innovative use of language and form challenges traditional norms, mirroring the chaotic and ever-changing nature of the city they depict throughout their discography. This not only serves as a structural analysis point but also ties into cultural analysis, as it reflects broader trends and movements within contemporary hip-hop and urban culture.


Ratking’s music drew from various genres like punk, noise rock, and avant-garde, blending abrasive industrial sounds with gritty lyricism that vividly depicted life in New York.

Their lyrics often painted visceral portraits of urban life, with vivid imagery and esoteric references. For example, in “Remove Ya” they rap “Nine deuces fox force red paw chrome twist” which seems to allude to police codes and firearms. Their abstract lyricism created a disorienting, fractured narrative mirroring the chaos of the city.

The vocals had a raw, unpolished quality, sometimes devolving into grunts or shouts. This sense of aggression reflected the harsh reality they were portraying. Yet their lyrics also showed flashes of vulnerability, as in “Plastic Portraits” where Wiki raps “I was broken-hearted, couldn’t shake the hurt.”


Breaking down Ratking’s lyrics through literary analysis not only enriches our appreciation of their music but also sharpens our analytical skills, offering lessons that extend far beyond the realm of hip-hop. By defining and applying different types of literary analysis, crafting a detailed outline, and writing a thorough analysis, we engage deeply with the text, uncovering layers of meaning and insight. Moreover, these skills have practical implications, such as enhancing our academic profiles and improving our chances of securing scholarships for seniors. Ultimately, the process of literary analysis not only enhances our understanding of literature and music but also fosters critical thinking and analytical abilities that are invaluable in both academic and real-world contexts.